When reviewing your credit to decide if you should keep an account open or closed you need to consider its affect on your credit score. It is good to only have about 3-5 open credit cards so when you decide to close some of them you will want to close the accounts that were opened recently. Older accounts have more payment history and closing them usually results in lowering your credit score. However, what you choose to do with these accounts once they have been paid off is up to you.
Another item to keep in mind when you are paying off credit accounts is that credit card balances over 30 percent of the credit limit negatively affects your credit score, so try to keep your balances below 30% of your credit limit. Naturally, having accounts that are paid off will not hurt your credit score.
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My name is Chad McCullough, owner of Armor Credit Solutions. I’ve been restoring consumer credit since 2005. We specialize in restoring damaged credit and helping people purchase the home of their dreams. I really enjoy helping people with their credit; it takes vast knowledge and experience to figure out how to raise one’s credit scores.
Armor Credit Solutions will remove/correct many derogatory items off the credit report by working through a variety of Federal Consumer Protection Laws, help in reestablishment of credit/implement strategies for current accounts and provide valuable education to help grow and protect scores.